Well I’m a bad mum then…

There are so many things out there that say, after birth you will only bond with your baby if you do these things or to produce enough milk for them you need skin on skin straight away and there is always a comment that says if you don’t do these things you won’t bond with your baby ect ect 
Now had I not have been in this position I would never have felt anything towards these posts but since having my own little lady they bug me….

My daughter was prem. She came at 28 weeks and 4 days, so quite early and completely naturally therefore when she was born (alive and well I must add) I got to give her a kiss on the head before she went off to NICU intensive care… I had no skin on skin for a week, I didn’t see her for nearly 48 hours after having her (wasn’t my own choice it completely destroyed me) and she had so many tubes and wires I was terrified looking at her…. 

I appreciate this isn’t your normal birth story (Just wait until I share the labour part let’s just say first baby and no anti natal classes…. Help!) But I want to say to other mums out there in this situation, similar or even worse… none of that matters… you carried that gorgeous bundle for as long as you did and now professional help will be what keeps them alive and makes them stronger! You have already got a bond with your baby, I worried for weeks that my baby wouldn’t love me and that I let her down. The way I coped with this was expressing for her, seeing my milk help her to get chunky. Don’t get me wrong I cried a lot and nearly gave up in the first month but a highly supportive husband helped drag me through the down times. 

I sound like I know my stuff but I am completely blaggin it, I’ve been a mum for 25 days and I still have so much to left to learn but that’s the joy of becoming a parent. 

I love my daughter and that’s literally all that matters because she is my miracle and will try and be the best mum possible to her.

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